The Consequences of Beaker Mechanics

Population is the raw production resource for beakers, so you will want to treat population as your primary resource if you are going for a technological victory. The population of your cities relies on food, so you will want to make sure your food production is as high as possible. This means proper planning of city locations, as it is very difficult to generate a high population in a city surrounding by mountains and desert.

Another very effective way to improve your population is through maritime city-states. Maritime city-states allied to your cause provide a static bonus to food in each of your cities. This bonus stacks, so becoming allies with four maritime city-states (for example) can generate a big food surplus. This means larger cities and more beaker income.

Of course, having more people means having to deal with unhappiness. If your civilization becomes unhappy growth will slow, which in turn will prevent you from fully realizing the beaker production that might otherwise be possible. Unhappiness can be combated through city improvements, but this may be of limited utility because you’re already spending a great deal of time and money on the construction of research improvements. City-states can again be a good alternative, as they grant you access to their resources when they become your allies, thus boosting happiness. You can also try to exchange your excess luxury resources for access to the luxury resources of other civilizations. Finally, you can control unhappiness by picking social policies that make it easier to control a large population


Once you understand the mechanics behind beaker production it is much easier to effectively plan how your civilization researches new technology. This will give you a big edge when you play the game.

This post is part of the series: The Complete Civilization 5 Guide

Are you a new player to Civilization 5 looking to learn the game? Or a veteran of Civilization 4 looking for some tips about what is new and different? This guide will help you become familiar with the mechanics of Civilization 5.

Civilization V First Major Patch Update Goes Live

Best Resources Civ 5

The wait is finally over for the fans as Civilization V patch update has gone live which will make many major changes to the game, and alongside patch Mongols and Babylonian DLC also released. Mongols DLC is available for free of cost whereas Babylonian Pack will cost gamers €3.49.
Here is the details of what changes and improvements this first major patch update make to the game:
By Sehran Shaikh on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 08:43
Back to Civilization V
Go to the list of leaders
A civilization is a specific historical nation, which represents a player in the game. Each player adopts a single civilization at the setup of each game.

Civilization Unique FeaturesEdit

Besides the name, history and leader, every civilization has a set of unique features which set it apart from the others and give it particular advantages These features are:

List of CivilizationsEdit

There are a total of 43 civilizations available in Civilization V, including DLCs and the expansions. It is also the first incarnation of the series where the leaders speak their native languages.
The civilizations in Civilization V
Civilization IconBiasLeaderUnique AbilityUnique Unit(s)Unique Building / Improvement
AmericanManifest Destiny
All land military units have +1 Sight. 50% discount when purchasing tiles.
ArabianVanilla and
Trade Caravans
+1 Gold from each Trade Route. Oil resources provide double quantity.
Ships of the Desert
Caravans gain 50% extended range. Your trade routes spread the home city's religion twice as effectively. Oil resources are doubled.
Avoid Treasures of Nineveh
When a city is conquered, gain a free Technology already discovered by its owner. Gaining a city through a trade deal does not count, and it can only happen once per enemy city.
Diplomatic Marriage
Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for 5 turns.
AztecSacrificial Captives
Gains Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed.
Babylonian†Avoid Ingenuity
Receive free Great Scientist when you discover Writing. Earn Great Scientists 50% faster.
Tourism output is +100% during their Golden Ages. Earn Great Artists, Musicians, and Writers 50% faster during their Golden Ages.
Brazilwood camp (Improvement)
Patriarchate of Constantinople
Choose one more Belief than normal when you found a Religion.
Phoenician Heritage
All coastal Cities get a free Harbor. Units may cross mountains after the first Great General is earned, taking 50 HP damage if they end a turn on a mountain.
African forest elephant
Druidic Lore
+1 Faith per city with an adjacent unimproved Forest. Bonus increases to +2 Faith in Cities with 3 or more adjacent unimproved Forest tiles.
ChineseArt of War
The Great General combat bonus is increased by 15%, and their spawn rate is increased by 50%.
Danish†Viking Fury
Embarked units have +1 Movement and pay just 1 movement point to move from sea to land. Melee units pay no movement point cost to pillage.
Norwegian ski infantry
Dutch East India Company
Retains 50% of the Happiness benefits from a Luxury Resource if your last copy of it is traded away.
Polder (Improvement)
EgyptianAvoid and Monument Builders
EnglishSun Never Sets
+2 Movement for all naval units.
and :
+2 Movement for all naval units. Receives 1 extra Spy.
Ship of the line
Spirit of Adwa
Combat bonus (+20%) when fighting units from a Civilization with more Cities than Ethiopia.
FrenchVanilla and
Ancien Régime
+2 Culture per turn from Cities before discovering Steam Power.
Foreign legion
City of Light
Museum and World Wonder theme bonuses are doubled in their Capital.
Chateau (Improvement)
GermanFuror Teutonicus
Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 67% chance you earn 25 Gold and they join your side. Pay 25% less for land unit maintenance.
Vanilla and
GreekHellenic League
City-State Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate.
Companion cavalry
Avoid and Scourge of God
Raze Cities at double speed. Borrow City names from other in-game Civs. Start with Animal Husbandry technology. +1 Production per Pasture.
Horse archer
Battering ram
Incan†Great Andean Road
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.
Terrace farm (Improvement)
IndianPopulation Growth
Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved.
Spice Islanders
The first 3 cities founded on continents other than where Indonesia started each provide 2 unique Luxury Resources (and can never be razed).
IroquoisThe Great Warpath
Vanilla and :
Units move through Forest and Jungle in friendly territory as if it is Road. These tiles can be used to establish Trade Routes upon researching The Wheel.
Units move through Forest and Jungle in friendly territory as if they were Roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching The Wheel. Caravans move along Forest and Jungle as if they were Roads.
Vanilla and :
Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged.
Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged. +1 Culture from each Fishing Boat and +2 Culture from atolls.
Korean†Scholars of the Jade Hall
+2 Science for all specialists and Great Person tile improvements. Receive a tech boost each time a scientific building/Wonder is built in the Korean capital.
Turtle ship
The Long Count
After researching Theology, receive a bonus Great Person at the end of every Maya Long Count calendar cycle (every 394 years). Each bonus person can only be chosen once.
Mongolian†Mongol Terror
Combat Strength +30% when fighting City-State units or attacking a City-State itself. All mounted units have +1 Movement.
Khan (Great Person)
Gateway to Africa
Receives +3 Gold and +1 Culture for each Trade Route with a different civ or City-State. The Trade Route owners receive +2 Gold for each Trade Route sent to Morocco.
Kasbah (Improvement)
OttomanBarbary Corsairs
50% chance of converting a Barbarian naval unit to your side and earning 25 Gold. Pay only one-third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance.
and :
All melee naval units have the Prize Ships promotion, allowing them to capture defeated ships. Pay only one-third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance.
PersianAchaemenid Legacy
Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and a +10% Combat Strength bonus.
Receive a free Social Policy when you advance to the next era.
Can embark and move over Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked. +10% Combat Strength bonus if within 2 tiles of a Moai.
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Moai (Improvement)
Mare Clausum
Resource diversity grants twice as much Gold for Portugal in Trade Routes.
Feitoria (Improvement)
RomanThe Glory of Rome
+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital.
RussianSiberian Riches
Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horse, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity
Great Expanse
Founded cities start with additional territory. Units receive a combat bonus when fighting within their own territory.
Comanche riders
Father Governs Children
Food and Culture from friendly City-States increased by 50%.
and :
Food, Culture and Faith from friendly City-States increased by 50%.
SonghaiAvoid River Warlord
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Embarked units can defend themselves.
and :
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Land units gain the War Canoe and Amphibious promotions, strengthening them while embarked.
Spanish†Seven Cities of Gold
Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.
Nobel Prize
Gain 90 Influence with a Great Person gift to a City-State. When declaring friendship, Sweden and their friend gain a +10% boost to Great Person generation.
Cannot gain settlers nor annex cities. Double the normal number of trade routes available. A Merchant of Venice appears after researching Optics. May purchase in puppeted cities.
Merchant of Venice (Great Person)
Great galleass
Avoid Iklwa
Melee units cost 50% less maintenance. All units require 25% less experience to earn their next promotion.
† Available as DLCs:
Valid only in the Gods & Kings expansion pack.
Nine new civilizations were added with the Gods & Kings expansion pack on June 19, 2012: The Netherlands, the Celts, the Maya, Carthage, Byzantium, the Huns, Austria, Ethiopia, and Sweden. In addition, the previously released Spanish civilization was included again.

Civ 5 Resource Icons Missing

Valid only in the Brave New World expansion pack.
Nine new civilizations were added with the Brave New World expansion pack on July 9, 2013: Poland, Assyria, Brazil, the Zulus, Portugal, Indonesia, Morocco, Venice, and the Shoshone. In addition, the French, Arabian, and German civilizations have been updated to better work with new aspects of the expansion pack, and the previously released Ethiopian civilization was included again.
Civ 5 resource icons for computer

See alsoEdit

Civilization V [edit]
Gods & KingsBrave New World
Buildings • Civs • DLC • Improvements • Promotions • Resources • Scenarios • Social Policies • Technologies • Terrain • Unique Abilities • Units • Wonders
Ancient • Classical • Medieval • Renaissance • Industrial • Modern • Future† • Atomic‡ • Information‡
City-State • Culture • Espionage‡ • Food • Gold • Great People • Happiness • Production • Religion‡ • Science • Tourism‡
Guides etc.
Achievements • Mathematics • Modding • Major Patches • Soundtrack • Civilopedia
† Only in vanilla Civ5
‡ Only in Gods & Kings and Brave New World